[Recclub-l] Mandatory Meeting - THURSDAY

Hall, Dustin dh226807 at ohio.edu
Wed Sep 7 20:12:48 EDT 2011

Rec Club,

Good evening everyone! I am writing to let you know that there will be a mandatory meeting Thursday night in Grover W121  at 6:00 PM. You are expected to attend, but if you feel you have a legitimate excuse please feel free to call me up until 11 PM tonight or between noon and one tomorrow. I may also be able to text. You MUST bring your laptops to the meeting if you have one and if you still have those papers that students signed up bring those. I have no clue how long this meeting will last, as we have a lot to discuss. This meeting is mandatory and if you do not have a legitimate excuse for not attending and you are a committee chair you are at risk of losing your position if you do not attend. Also, the meeting starts at 6:00 SHARP! If you feel you cannot make it at this time again please let me know, but if you are late then you may again be at risk for losing your position.

Thank you,

Dustin Hall
Ohio University Outdoor Pursuits Rental Center Manager
Ohio University Recreation Club President

Cell Phone: (937) 726-8814
E-mail: dh226807 at ohio.edu
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