[Recclub-l] Meeting Monday night at 8:00 PM in Grover W115

Hall, Dustin dh226807 at ohio.edu
Sun Nov 7 14:14:55 EST 2010

 Hey everyone,

This is just a reminder that we will be having a meeting tomorrow night (Monday 11/8/2010) at 8:00 PM in Grover W115. I will try to keep the meeting short as possible, but we have several things to discuss so please try your hardest to attend. Some items on the list of discussion are the upcoming quarter and the Camp Fair and such things like that. However, the majority of the meeting will be spent discussing fundraising and our ski trip next quarter. If you are planning on going on this trip this meeting is MANDATORY, unless prior arrangements are made with me. I'm looking forward to seeing you all there once again. If you have any questions or are unable to attend please e-mail me.

Dustin Hall
Ohio University Outdoor Pursuits Rental Center Manager
Ohio University Recreation Club President
Cell Phone: (937) 726-8814
E-mail: dh226807 at ohio.edu
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