[Phipsi-l] Pledge-u-cation house keeping

Hunter Smith hs175608 at ohio.edu
Mon Apr 26 19:46:06 EDT 2010

Dear Brethren,

This is just some housekeeping info I need to get out to you. Don't forget phi week starts this week, so if you have a pledge make sure to contact them and actually do something with them. Also we might need two to three more people to do phi week, depending on the acceptance of matt, tervor, and ryan's bids. So let me know if you are interested just let me know via e-mail text or word of mouth. Ill send out a full updated pledge roster soon too once I get all the new guys info

ALSO LET ME KNOW IF YOU WISH TO DO KAPPA WEEK!!! Email me or just tell me and I'll do my best to make sure you are paired up with a pledge. 

The Pledge Ceremony is also this tuesday at 7:30. So please try to be at the house for this. The moor brothers here the better it will be.

PLEASE E_MAIL ME BACK OR TELL ME IF YOU WISH TO HAVE A LITTLE! The Big Brother Ceremony will be this Sunday night sometime after opening games. I'll let you know the time once we figure it out. The pledges will be giving me their list for big brothers before friday. So if you are picked I will inform you before then.

We would also like to go visit Charles Paige Thomas Moore's gravesite. We are not set on a date yet and need drivers. Please let me know if you can drive and when works best for you.

Your partner in crime,

Hunter Smith

Email: hs175608 at ohio.edu
Cell: 330-401-1171

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