[OUWC] Strike Out Diabetes Event

Larkin-Gero, Emma el785913 at ohio.edu
Fri Mar 25 10:54:25 EDT 2016

Hey guys,

Here is the information about the event from Taryn;

It's on April 10th from 1 to 5 pm. The team won't have to be there the whole time but we don't know yet what time we will play yet. It's a softball tournament benefitting the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, which is a foundation for diabetes.

Basically the team has to have at least 10 players and up to 12. It's $150 per team and that INCLUDES t-shirts. All we need to do to register is fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QEj9_MWOp2JoRYgQOLm1Eyv-65SACHMAbyRPYFfCBDc/viewform?c=0&w=1 and then email the roster and turn in the payment, which I can do. I don't mind organizing the whole thing if you want, I'm really excited about it because one of my best friends has diabetes so this is really close to me! If you have any questions feel free to email me or text me (513)390-4932 if you didn't have that already.

Taryn also talked to the men's team about this so feel free to sign up on a co-ed team with them! It's a fun chance for community service hours.

Have a great weekend!


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