[Ouwcrew-l] Practice Tomorrow!! :):):)

Shanna DeJoseph shanna.dejoseph at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 19:34:56 EDT 2010

Hey Yall!!! Hope you had a relaxing Sunday, you all did such a good job at
Bob! Anyway, it's time to get rolling with practice! Tomorrow is going to be
a rig day... so bring your wrenches if you have some. Pickups will be at
6:15 AM tomorrow, so drivers, be on time, and riders, be out there EARLY AND
READY!!!! Let's get into the habit of getting our there on time and getting
to Stroud's early. Ok great. Drivers are the first people listed.

Jill G
Maddie (at the entrance of Mill Street by Stimson)

Shanna (entrance of west green by the convo)

Meagan (south, by the crosswalk by the volleyball!)
Katie M
Sara B
Lauren C

Hannah (washington arch)

Megan (washington arch)
Sara F
Jen A

Steph (court and union)

if any of the drivers need directions, give me a call!
i'll have a phone tree out soon so we all have everyone's numbers, in case
of a morning emergency
and remember our general meeting will be tomorrow at 6:30, i can't reserve
the room until tomorrow so be on the lookout for a quick e-mail about the
room tomorrow!
ok i think that is all for now. love you!
oh and if there is a mistake in this e-mail, CALL ME, sooner rather than
later so i have time to figure it out
ok i think that is really all

Shanna DeJoseph
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