[Ous-lp-rp13] FW: Agenda and update

Larson, William larsonw at ohio.edu
Thu Oct 25 16:11:00 EDT 2018

Hi Everyone!

Greetings again; I hope that you are enjoying this continued beautiful fall weather. Though, I believe that there is a strong likelihood of rain tomorrow and a moderate likelihood on Saturday.

*         Please review and have access on Saturday to the attached agenda. In that regard, please be reminded to read Ury's Getting Past No by Saturday.

*         Please give particular attention to the section of the book to which you have been designated as noted in Item # 5 of the agenda.

*         Finally, please watch, prior to Saturday, the YouTube video to which you have been assigned in Item # 6 of the agenda.

I believe that I have sent today each of you an evaluation of your submission for the Cognitivism Assignment. If you have not received an evaluation, please notify me.

Take care!!

Until then, Bill

From: Larson, William
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 1:22 PM
To: 'Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu' <Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu>
Cc: Boyd, Robin <boydr at ohio.edu>
Subject: Agenda and update

Hi Everyone!

The fall weather and the sunshine have certainly been a pleasant relief from the overcast and raining weather that we had previously encountered.

You will find attached the agenda for this Saturday's (October 27) class session. Please have access to the agenda on Saturday.

Please also have a laptop or tablet and a copy of the Hoy & Miskel text and the Ury Getting Past No book with you on Saturday. For that matter, please read the Ury book by Saturday.

The doors to Waverly Junior High School are scheduled to be open by 8:30 a.m., I hope that we can begin the session at 9:00 a.m., take a lunch break during the noon hour, and dismiss about 4:30 p.m.

The evaluations of your Cognitivism Paper submissions are nearly done. I hope to send them to you either late tonight or early tomorrow.

Take care; please notify me if you have questions or suggestions.

Until then, Bill
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