[Ous-lp-rp13] EDAD 6010, Answer to Question #2

Samantha Howell samantha.howell at vc-k12.us
Fri Jun 15 00:00:55 EDT 2018

After completing the personal style inventory, I learned some interesting
facts about myself. I feel that being an extrovert, it would give me some
advantages in becoming an administrator. I feel comfortable interacting
with other and I think it would make more open with stakeholders to hear
their input  and ideas. A weakness that his character trait would make me
vulnerable to would be having less independence or always feeling the need
to have people around me. I don't really feel like I need to have people
around me all the time but I feel like this could be a weakness for me.
During the next two years, I need to work on being more independent and
task-oriented. Another character trait that I learned about myself is that
I am more of feeler than a thinker. I think this is a great personality
trait to have because it means you care about other. But I also think that
this could be a weakness as an administrator. There could be some cases
where you need to stick to the rules and not make exceptions due to
individual cases. Intrinsic motivation is the key to success is my mind. I
like to feel productive and I think this would help me as an administrator.
I will need to realize some people may need to be extrinsic motivators and
i would try to push them to be more motivated by intrinsic reasons. I think
that there are strengths and weakness to all peoples character traits and
we would need to find a balance to  be a productive administrator.
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