[OUCTM-Listserv] Menger Sponge

Klein, Bob kleinr at ohio.edu
Mon Oct 20 20:21:18 EDT 2014

Does OUCTM want in on this? It’s sponsored by the MAA (Mathematical Association of America).

Help Build a Level 4 Menger Sponge!
From October 20-26, more than 20 sites around the globe will help build a distributed Level 4 Menger sponge out of folded business cards. Check www.megamenger.com<http://send.maa.org/link.cfm?r=1527544082&sid=53236641&m=6666938&u=MAA_&j=22473961&s=http://www.megamenger.com/> for ways to get involved and to see if one of the main build sites is in your area.

Bob Klein, PhD
Associate Professor & Undergraduate Chair, Department of Mathematics
Board Member: Ohio Educator Standards Board
Chair, Editorial Panel: Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School journal
Co-founder: Southeast Ohio Math Teachers' Circle (http://seomtc.weebly.com/ )
Co-founder: The Math League student math circle for grades 6-9. (http://themathleague.weebly.com/ )
Co-director: Navajo Nations Math Circle Project for teachers and students.

Office Address: 563 Morton Hall
Mailing Address:
Ohio University, 321 Morton Hall
Athens, OH 45701
740.593.1285 (no voicemail);
740.331.4270 (voicemail); 740.593.9805 (f)
kleinr at ohio.edu<mailto:kleinr at ohio.edu>

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