[Ouctm-l] Fwd: [Faculty] [Fwd: Art Benjamin Lecture On Thursday, Feb 12, at Denison University]

Robert Klein bob at math.ohiou.edu
Mon Feb 9 13:59:20 EST 2009

Some of you may recall that I showed the TED.com talk of Art Benjamin  
in the Math 300 class last year. He is speaking at Denison Thursday  
for those that can go. Carpool? I have class during that time but you  
should consider making the trip.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Dinh Van Huynh" <huynh at math.ohiou.edu>
> Date: February 9, 2009 1:54:18 PM EST
> To: faculty at math.ohiou.edu
> Subject: [Faculty] [Fwd: Art Benjamin Lecture On Thursday, Feb 12,  
> at Denison University]
> Reply-To: huynh at math.ohiou.edu
> FYI.
> Dinh
> ---------------------------- Original Message  
> ----------------------------
> Subject: Art Benjamin Lecture On Thursday, Feb 12, at Denison  
> University
> From:    Wiebke.Diestelkamp at notes.udayton.edu
> Date:    Mon, February 9, 2009 1:19 pm
> To:
> Cc:      bdambrosia at jcu.edu
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Liaisons,
> Please publicize the event described below in your department.
> Thanks.
> Mathemagician Art Benjamin of Harvey Mudd College
> will present "Mathemagics" at Denison University
> at 8 PM, Thursday, February 12 in the Burton
> Morgan Lecture Hall.  In this presentation
> suitable for all audiences,  Professor Benjamin
> demonstrates and explains his secrets for
> performing rapid mental calculations faster
> than a calculator. Reader's Digest calls him
> "America's Best Math Whiz". He has presented
> his high energy talk on over a thousand occasions
> to audiences throughout the world.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Sent by:
> Wiebke S. Diestelkamp
> Liaison Coordinator, Ohio Section of the MAA
> E-mail: wiebke at udayton.edu
> Phone: (937) 229-2013
> _______________________________________________
> faculty mailing list
> faculty at math.ohiou.edu
> http://www.math.ohiou.edu/mailman/listinfo/faculty

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