[Ouctm-l] OUCTM Meeting Minutes 2-4-09

Sarah Russell sr906205 at ohio.edu
Wed Feb 4 22:27:59 EST 2009

Hello OUCTM-ers! I hope you are all having a great Week 5!

Tonight we welcomed Pam Beam to to present on the Praxis III assessment and 
planning. In the minutes are more details about her presentation; check it 
out for some great tips on what to expect in preparation for the 

Also check the minutes for more info regarding next week's **fundraiser** 
as well as the I Love Math Social! Because of last week's snow day, today's 
meeting was held on an off-week; so don't forget that the social is NEXT 
WEDNESDAY. You won't want to miss this!

Finally, don't forget to apply for the OCTM Leadership and/or NCTM 
Conferences! The application is due March 1, and early applications are 

Enjoy the rest of Week 5! Good luck on those midterms!

Sarah Russell
OUCTM Secretary 
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