[Honorscommunitycouncil] A few helpful tips for camping tonight

Arnold, Patricia pa803908 at ohio.edu
Fri Oct 21 14:50:57 EDT 2011

Hi Everyone!

I am so excited for the camp out and so good at procrastination that I looked up a few helpful facts and tips for tonight's camp out. Thank you to WebMD and Boy Scouts of America.

First of all, it will be a bit chilly tonight. (a low of 35!) So be sure to wear layers and bring water. It's easy to dehydrate in dry air especially when it's cold and you don't notice it, so drink up! Stay warm by piling five people into that four person tent and standing near the fire. The Boy Scouts suggest going to bed with a Snickers bar to provide a high energy snack for heat production. Nothing like enjoying some Halloween candy early!

Secondly, no cold, flu, or pneumonia is caused by being cold. In fact, being a little chilly actually BOOSTS your immune system. This is because being slightly cold increases hormone production of norepinephrine, which acts as the body's natural decongestant (AND is much cheaper than Dayquil!). We sniffle when it's cold outside as part of the body's natural defense. Those who sniffle more intensely (trombone-like, if you will) have better immune systems than those who sniffle longer and lighter. The mucus production is part of the body's natural defense against virus-borne dry air. This may be why people who live in Alaska or Upper Peninsula, Michigan (or Scott Varga) have been proven to be healthier than the rest of the world.

Finally, the boy scouts recommend sleeping in an igloo over a tent. Apparently it provides better insulation. I don't that will be applicable tonight, but good for future reference!

See you soon!


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