[DU-L] Duck Race Handouts

Hedges, Steven sh269608 at ohio.edu
Sun Apr 24 22:20:40 EDT 2011

Dear Brothers,

Attached is the handout I made for the Duck Race. Little ones we can heckle people with. Attached is both the PSD, in case it needs to be edited, & the JPG for printing it out if everything is already fine. We are selling tomorrow/today (4/25) 2-4pm. Location for everything in Baker is 4th floor, outside.

Mon (4/25): 2-4pm
Tue (4/26): 2-4pm
Thur (4/28): 1-3pm
Fri (4/29): 1-3pm

That is all for now. Someone please print these off in time! Keep up the sales! Invite people to the page!

Steven Hedges
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