[OU Dems] Minutes Week 10

Jenna Moore jennamoore114 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 22:43:39 EDT 2014

Happy week 10 everyone! Here are your minutes from this weeks meeting:


Friday 3/21-3/22: Relay for Life will be at 5pm-11am at Ping! Remember to bring blankets, pillows, snacks, and games since we will sleeping at ping on the gym floor! We will have a designated area and I will keep everyone who has signed up updated so make sure you have registered! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 

Saturday 3/22: The CDO spring conference will be in Akron starting at 11 am. Rides leave at 7am. If you are attending relay, feel free to leave early so you get a good nights sleep since you are leaving early. 

Sunday 3/23: We are having a phone bank to remind people about open enrollment for healthcare. Time and place are still to be decided! 


We are doing a fundraiser with brackets for march madness! It cost $5 and whoever wins gets half of all the money we get from this so invite your friends to also fill out a bracket! Money is due to anyone on exec by Tuesday. Here are the directions for the bracket:
All brackets need to be turned in by NOON ON THURSDAY!
Option A (RECOMMENDED): Turn in a bracket to the OUCD mailbox (216) on the third floor of baker center. Here's how you can do this (but any filled out bracket turned into the mailbox will do if your name is on it)
 1) go to http://www.printyourbrackets.com/images/fillable-march-madness.pdf 
 2) Type in who you think will win each matchup filling in every line!
 3) print out your bracket
 5) Mailbox
Option B: Use an electronic bracket like on the ESPN or CBS websites (these require login but are useful if you enter other bracket pools) and send the link to me at ad347709 at ohio.edu
Option C: If you have a bracket in PDF or other picture-based form filled out, you can send that to me at ad347709 at ohio.edu

Relay for life is coming up on March 21. So please sign up for our team if you haven't at https://secure.acsevents.org/site/TRR?pg=tfind&fr_id=56530&skip_login_page=true&s_fr_part_type_team=join

How to join the team:  1) find the team "College Democrats" (make sure it says Relay for Life of Ohio University on the left) 2) Click pay my registration by cash or check 3) Continue to fill out all the information that follows until the end. You should not have to pay any money during this! If you have any questions, please contact me! 


Wednesday 3/19: Flavor of the week is in the Front Room from 12pm(noon)-2pm. This weeks  flavor is a mozzarella chocolate! 

It is pride week this week! There are a variety of different events going on and to see the list of events, go to http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f28e0047b4a04981be4b43f77&id=f967d3f720

Now - 3/22: The "Free the Girls Drive", which helps survivors of human trafficking helps make a difference in these women's lives while they recover and start a new life, are accepting donations of new or lightly used bras. Your donations can be dropped off at Baker, Alden, Chase Bank, or any sorority house. 

March 30: Alpha Omicron Pi will be having a dodgeball tournament to strike out arthritis from 2-6 at Ping. It is $10 a person and it is teams of 5 so $50 total per team and a T-shirt is included! Teams need to be signed up by 

March 23rd. If you have any questions or are interested, contact Hailey Butterfiled (614-980-5010).  

Jenna Moore
jm226611 at ohio.edu

OU College Democrats, Secretary


OU College Democrats Executive Board:

Caitlin Roberts (President) (614) 893-5395 caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com

Brigid Iverson (Vice President) (513) 307-7144 brigid.iverson at gmail.com

Jenna Moore (Secretary) (614) 256-0981 jennamoore114 at gmail.com

Jessica Newton (Membership Director) (614) 557-6293 jnjnew4 at gmail.com

Ian Slifcak (Treasurer) (330) 523-9104 islifcak at gmail.com

Alex Doherty (Communications Director) (614) 290-9876  alexander.doherty.0 at gmail.com
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