[OU Dems] Dems Minutes 4/10

Roberts, Caitlin cr156409 at ohio.edu
Wed Apr 11 21:17:30 EDT 2012

Dems Minutes 4/10


So far we have raised $1224 for Relay for Life but we still need $776 to reach our goal! Also, thank you to Kaitlyn Crist for sharing her story for "Why I Relay"!

We will be going to D.C. Memorial Day Weekend, please contact Marika if you are interested in attending! The 1st payment amount will be announced at next week's meeting.

We are still selling sweatshirts for only $15! Please contact Nicole if you would like to buy one!

Please remember the importance of our membership and sign up to come to events! We can use everyone's help with events and love to see your faces when you attend!  Feel free to contact any member of Exec if you ever have a question about an event!

Future Events:

We will have our first softball game today (Wednesday) at 4:30 p.m. at Mill Street Fields (next to Riverpark Apartments)!  Sign up on imleagues ASAP if you would like to play and remember to wear dark blue to the game!

We will be having a Phonebank this Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. at 8 N. Court Street (above Fluff and Pita Pit on the 3rd floor).  We will be making phone calls for volunteer recruitment!

There will be a Trash For Cash to raise money for Relay for Life this Saturday at 1 p.m.  It will be at University Commons and we will be giving rides from the top of Baker.

There will be a Dorm Storm this Sunday at 2 p.m. to collect Pledge to Reg forms! It will be at the Front Four on South Green.

We will be Chalking and Flyering this Monday! Meet at the Front Room at 8 p.m. to participate!

The Take Back The Night March and Rally will be next Thursday (the 19th) at 7 p.m.  The rally will start at Scripps Amphitheater, followed by a march down Court Street.

The College Democrats of Ohio Spring Convention will be Sunday, April 22nd at OSU from 9 a.m to 5 p.m.  We will be carpooling there, let us know if you can drive!  Also, Yvette McGee-Brown, David Pepper, and Mary Jo Killroy will all be speaking and elections for CDO positions will happen at the convention!

Round Table:

There will be a Students For Obama table on the 1st floor of Baker from 2-5 p.m. today!

Please let Shannon know if you can give her a ride to Cleveland Thursday afternoon!

Kaitlyn Crist is looking for a Campus Cutie for HerCampus, let Kaitlyn know if you're interested!

If you have a personal story of how President Obama's programs have affected you or your family, please talk to Nick Tuell!

Nick Tuell is looking for interns for the Obama campaign, please contact him if you interested!

Good luck to Sarah Williams on her new job as Campus Organizer at the University of Cincinnati!  We will miss you and know you will do amazing things!!!

There will be a Sakura Festival (Japanese culture) on this Sunday at 12 p.m.! Tickets for the event will be sold outside of Baker on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Contact Lolita for more information!

This week is Pride Week! There is a calendar of events on Facebook under the event " Ohio University Pride Week 2012".  Also, tee shirts are being sold for $7 all week!

Delta Zeta's Turtle Tug is on April 29th at 12 p.m! Teams of 5 people can participate in the Tug of War competition, benefiting the Painted Turtle Camp.  Please contact Caitlin if you are interested in forming a team!

Have an awesome Week 3!!!


Caitlin Roberts

(614) 893-5393

Secretary, OU College Democrats

Shannon Welch (President) (440) 463-0662 shannoncwelch at gmail.com<mailto:shannoncwelch at gmail.com>

Marika Bresler (Vice President) (614) 562-5937 marika.bresler at gmail.com<mailto:marika.bresler at gmail.com>

Nicole Robertson (Treasurer) (513) 582-3041 nicole.gayle09 at gmail.com<mailto:nicole.gayle09 at gmail.com>

Paul Leduc (Communications Director) (419) 631-4962 paul.leduc13 at gmail.com<mailto:paul.leduc13 at gmail.com>

Caitlin Roberts (Secretary) (614) 893-5395 caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com<mailto:caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com>

Debi Segal (Membership Director) (301) 980-5702 debracsegal at gmail.com<mailto:debracsegal at gmail.com>
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