[OU Dems] Dems Minutes 4/17

Roberts, Caitlin cr156409 at ohio.edu
Tue Apr 17 21:47:21 EDT 2012

Dems Minutes 4/17

Happy Week 4 Everyone! Here are the minutes from this week's meeting:


We have raised $1272 dollars so far for Relay for Life and need $727 to reach our goal! You can sign up for our Relay team at http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/?team_id=1156421&pg=team&fr_id=40183! Also thank you to Zack Gilanyi for sharing why he participates in Relay!

The cost of the Memorial Day Weekend D.C. Trip will be only $65 dollars! The first deposit of $39 is due on May 1st. Contact Marika if you would like to go and haven't signed up!

We are selling sweatshirts and will be ordering them soon! They are only $15 and they're made of warm fleece!! Contact Nicole if you would like to buy one.

Congrats to our Dem of the Week, Sasha Millikan!

Future Events:

There will be a table for Pledge to Reg forms tomorrow (Wednesday) from 2 to 5 outside the top of Baker!

We have a softball game this Wednesday at 4:30 at Mill Street Fields (the end of Mill Street by Riverpark  Apartments).  Sign up on imleagues if you haven't already! Wear dark blue to the game and don't forget to bring your student id!

Take Back The Night Rally and March is this Thursday at 7 p.m. The rally will be at Scripps Amphitheater, followed by the march!

There will be a statewide Canvass Kickoff on Saturday! There are shifts from either 10 to 1 or 2 to 5. Meet at 8 N. Court Street (the Obama Office) if you want to help!

Our CDO Spring Convention is this Sunday! We will be leaving at 9:30 a.m. to drive to OSU.  Speakers include Yvette McGee-Brown and our own Shannon Welch is running for Campaign Director for the College Democrats of Ohio!

We will have a Trash for Cash Monday at 8 p.m. at Riverpark Apartments! Meet outside of Building 38 (the big building with the awning and glass doors) if you want to help us raise money for Relay for Life!

Round Table:

Former OU College Democrat Pat Lang talked about his campaign for U.S Congress! If you are interested in volunteering with his campaign, please contact him at (614) 626-5264 or pat at langforcongress.com!

Take Back The Night is having events all this week! Check Shannon's profile picture for a schedule of events!

Congratulations to Nate Hall on his new job managing a state representative campaign in Columbiana County!

Delta Zeta is having its annual Turtle Tug on April 29th! It's a tug of war competition over a baby pool of jell-o and the money goes to The Painted Turtle Camp for children with chronic illnesses.  Contact Caitlin if you would like to form a team!

Have a great week 4!


Caitlin Roberts

(614) 893-5395

Secretary, OU College Democrats

Shannon Welch (President) (440) 463-0662 shannoncwelch at gmail.com<mailto:shannoncwelch at gmail.com>

Marika Bresler (Vice President) (614) 562-5937 marika.bresler at gmail.com<mailto:marika.bresler at gmail.com>

Nicole Robertson (Treasurer) (513) 582-3041 nicole.gayle09 at gmail.com<mailto:nicole.gayle09 at gmail.com>

Paul Leduc (Communications Director) (419) 631-4962 paul.leduc13 at gmail.com<mailto:paul.leduc13 at gmail.com>

Caitlin Roberts (Secretary) (614) 893-5395 caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com<mailto:caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com>

Debi Segal (Membership Director) (301) 980-5702 debracsegal at gmail.com<mailto:debracsegal at gmail.com>

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