[CPN] Fwd: Calling for a Vote on 2 sets of changes sent to you Sept. 6

James Doyle jadoyle at ucdavis.edu
Thu Sep 19 15:59:30 EDT 2013

Dear Phil and other fellow CPNers,

>Just a reminder: Please vote by the end of the day tomorrow.  At 
>this point, 7 people (including myself) have voted.

I approve of these changes, and I also support the retention of 
"node" in the glossary.


>Begin forwarded message:
>>From: "Cantino, Philip" <<mailto:cantino at ohio.edu>cantino at ohio.edu>
>>Date: September 15, 2013 7:50:24 PM EDT
>>To: Committee on Phylogenetic Nomenclature 
>><<mailto:cpn at listserv.ohio.edu>cpn at listserv.ohio.edu>
>>Subject: Calling for a Vote on 2 sets of changes sent to you Sept. 6
>>Dear CPN members,
>>In the absence of any more comments, I am calling for a vote on 
>>slightly modified versions of the two sets of proposed code changes 
>>I sent you on Sept. 6.   The only difference between the attached 
>>versions and the Sept. 6 ones is that David M's corrections of 
>>typos, formatting, etc. have been incorporated.  Kevin and I also 
>>agree with his recommendation that "node" be retained in the 
>>glossary, and that Note 9.7.1 be modified to say that an 
>>apomorphy-based definition necessarily identifies a clade provided 
>>that there is only one internal specifier.  Those changes from the 
>>Sept. 6 proposals are also incorporated in the attached document 
>>I interpret David M's and Brian's comments as a YES vote on the 
>>attached versions, unless they tell me otherwise.  Everyone else, 
>>please vote by this Friday (Sept. 20) by responding to all.

James A. Doyle
Department of Evolution and Ecology
University of California
Davis, CA 95616, USA
Telephone:  1-530-752-7591; fax:  1-530-752-1449
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