[ASU] ASU Membership dues

Adu-Kumi, Benjamin ba142511 at ohio.edu
Wed Sep 12 20:27:28 EDT 2012

Hello Friends, colleagues, Africans and Africanists

I am sending you this notice to humbly remind you that at our last GB meeting we agreed that since we have shifted from the Quarter system to Semester system there is the need to make adjustment to our membership dues. I am therefore informing you that effective the 2nd of September the membership dues is pegged at $7 per a person. However some members have been kind enough to give $10 dollars to support our account. I am therefore pleading with you to pay up so we can carry all our programs for the semester through. Call or text me on 740-5902473 to arrange pick for your dues. payment can be made by cash and check only. No Credit and debit cards. Thank you

Benjamin Adu-Kumi
Graduate Student
Department of African Studies
Research Assistant to Prof Yusuf Kalyango
E. W. Scripps School of Journalism
Ohio University

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