[Aphio-L] List-SERVED - A Poem by A. Malcolm

President Alpha Phi Omega Delta Gamma president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 18:19:50 EDT 2017

- List-SERVED -

Hey Everyone - hope your day is going better than mine...

Why is it not going well?

One could recall on a time, numerous times, when said President Malcolm had discussed the terms and conditions of the List-serv email.

Now, it has been a whole 7 months, maybe it has vanished from your memory - like snow, melting in the crisp (rare) Ohio sunshine - So I will recite this once again.

Do. Not. Send. Emails. To. The. List. Serv.

If you respond with an attachment of your grades, there are 2 options I will proceed with.

1. I will send them out to the whole chapter, because to me, that was your intention by sending them to the List-serv.

2. Your grades will not be recorded by our SAA and you will need to send again in order to stay out of trouble.

Everyone have a fabulous week!

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