[Aphio-L] Fellowship Chairs

Fellowship Chairs fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 17:25:47 EDT 2015

Hello Bros!

This is Moe Person.  I would like to first say that I love being in AphiO
and loved having the position as fellowship chair. This semester I decided
to change my major, pick up a minor and a certificate. I cannot be as
involved as much as I want. I am not dropping out of AphiO but I am
stepping down as fellowship chair. I enjoyed having the position as
fellowship thanks to all that elected me!

Now its Emma here!  I am sad to see Moe leave the fellowship position, but
education is the primary reason why all of us are here at OU, and she has
made the decision to devote her time more efficiently to her schoolwork for
the rest of the semester.  I will continue on as your fellowship chair for
the remainder of the semester, and I hope that you all will continue to
participate in fellowship events and feel free to contact me with any
suggestions or issues that you may have.

On that note, I will see you all at chapter tonight!
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