Bange, Matthew mb192907 at ohio.edu
Thu Apr 15 09:58:07 EDT 2010

Hey everyone,

A social at Pigskin is a definite, we get the back porch to ourselves until 10:30 regardless of day. That being said, I'm going to see if I can poll the general TSMA population. Assigned to each date is a number, reply to me...not TSMA listserv with that number. The possible days for the social are as follows:

1. Thursday 4/29
2. Friday 4/30

Mom's Weekend
3. Thursday 5/6
4. Friday 5/7

Palmer Fest
5. Thursday 5/13
6. Friday 5/14

I need a reply for this, under-agers are allowed to come too. If there isn't a reply ... The Networking Gods will plague your careers with minutia. I'm joking, but I really don't want to just pick a date so give me some feedback.

High temperature of 86 degrees today, so reply to this message and get outside!


Matt Bange
TSMA President
mb192907 at ohio.edu

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