Robertson, Keenan kr828512 at ohio.edu
Tue Nov 17 10:20:12 EST 2015

Hey everyone,

This Saturday, the 21st of November, we will be having our annual team Thanksgiving! Everyone from both teams is encouraged to come, as well as bring something to the meal.  This is a potluck style event and so everyone should pitch in to bring something.  Specific location and time will be sent out shortly (about 3pm on Saturday for a ballpark guess)

Underclassmen: We understand many of you don’t have access to a lot of cooking equipment, kitchens or grocery stores.  That’s okay.  We will be relying on several people to bring things commonly found at the university markets and cvs/family dollar such as paper plates, plasticware, napkins, cups, 2L bottles of soda or other soft drinks.  All that stuff is quick, easy, and relatively cheap.

If You Live in the Resident Halls But Cook a Mean Green Bean Casserole: and you need a kitchen to make said casserole or other baked good in, please ask any upperclassmen who have kitchens. Lexi or myself for example would be happy to let you use them to make something tasty.

SO PLEASE DO THIS NOW: Go to the google doc link below to sign up for a food so we don’t have 34 plates of mashed potatoes and not a drop of gravy. Put your name under the section you want and, if applicable, specify what you are bringing.

Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZZCL5pDpo85ppqJ7JKKiBa20wzLBe1tJPr5no4Ym6TI/edit?usp=sharing


Keenan Robertson
President, Ohio University Men's Crew
Russ College of Engineering, ETM
Bellhops Student Movers
(412) 400-6829

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