Hipp, Alexis ah661711 at ohio.edu
Thu Feb 27 21:37:53 EST 2014

Hey ladies,

I hope midterm week went well and that  you're getting all packed up for Bob!!

That being said, I just wanted to remind everyone of what we're doing tomorrow. I know this is kind of long but please make sure you read it all.

Unless you have previously arranged to meet me at another time to get your bags, we will be meeting in the parking lot of PING at 4:30 pm. I know the travel pack said Peden but I changed my mind.

Second, be sure that you have trash bags to put your duffel bags and bedding in since they will be going on the trailer for the ride down there. Also, be sure they are clearly labeled with your names. I will NOT have trash bags for you, so make sure you grab some.

Third, make sure you take out what you need for tomorrow night from your duffel bag because once you give me your bags, you're not going to see them again until we get to camp on Saturday afternoon.

Lastly, there was a small change in where some people are staying tomorrow night and Saturday night when we return from camp. That's attached to this email so make sure you look at that. It was simpler to do it this way.

I'm sorry this was so long but it's important stuff!

So if there's any questions on any of this or you need clarification on something don't hesitate to text or email me.

Thanks guys! Can't wait to see you all!

Lex :)

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