[OUWC] This Afternoon! please respond

Martinez, Karen km329810 at ohio.edu
Wed May 9 13:40:58 EDT 2012

Hi Ladies thanks for those of you that responded, really appreciate the help and quick responses.
Pick up will be at 6pm, those of you that have class need to respond or text me  and let me know where your class is. Everyone else I will pick you up on your green, the regular morning places.
Please be there ready, don't be late we still have a meeting at 7pm that we need to get to.
We're all in one car, since we're taking the van, so just look for an OU van with tiny little me in it! Hahaha :)

West Green

*         Camyel

*         Kaila

*         Hailie (?)
East Green

*         Katie T

*         Dana
South Green

*         Genevieve

*         Leah

*         Sarah H

*         Hillarie

Megan and Alex, do you want me to get you at your apartment or will you be on campus?

See you in 4ish hrs. Thanks,
Moo Moo (Savannah's Idea)

From: ouwcrew-l-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:ouwcrew-l-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of Martinez, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 8:56 AM
To: Bales, Savannah; ouwcrew-l at listserv.ohio.edu
Subject: [OUWC] This Afternoon! please respond

Ladies I need to know who can go out today at 5:30 or 6pm to move the boats and finish getting the trailer ready. I need at least 12 hands on. I need your help, the more that come the faster it will go and we can all head to our meeting tonight together. Please Please Please don't make it difficult just respond and let me know if you're coming and if you can drive. You can text me too if you want, but please just let me know ASAP.

Karen Martinez
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