Bales, Savannah sb295208 at ohio.edu
Sun Jun 5 15:43:28 EDT 2011

Hey everyone,

Great job with passing out fliers! From what I heard we passed out quite a few, and should have a pretty good turn out tonight!! Jill and I put together a slide show for the meeting, so the recruits can have a visual of the information while we speak.

Tonight, it is not mandatory to come to the recruitment meeting because I know people have a lot of studying to do for finals, but it would be lovely if you could make it! Kate, Jill and I will be doing the speaking, but having more members there for recruits to meet would, at least I think, spark a little more interest in joining our team!

So, if you can make it, please dress up. Nothing fancy, but just casual dress. Basically, just don't wear jeans and a t-shirt! :) If you have any fun crew things that you want to show off, bring 'em along!

See you tonight (maybe!)

PS: Wonderful job working lofts yesterday girls! From what I've heard, they were very impressed with the our work ethic. Keep it up!
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