[Ouwcrew-l] REC FEST READ

Derosa, Erin ed110806 at ohio.edu
Fri Feb 5 13:39:00 EST 2010

Hey gal pals,

The rec fest peeps are wondering if anyone is willing to switch to the later shift because they need more volunteers. Just a reminder, the event is on Feb. 20th (Saturday of Sibs weekend) from 1:00-4:15 and 3:45-7:00.

1. I want you all to make sure you are absolutely available to be at ping volunteering during the hours you have signed up for, whether those change or not. I can not have people backing out!

2. This is mandatory so you must pick one shift or the other if you have not already.

Here is the list as it stands currently:

Jill Gostomski            jg396506
Hannah Croft            hc468707
Lauren Conover        lc355707
Jill Starkey               js460606
Stephanie Gibson      sg246007
Sara Fisher              sf109808
Kate Schmidlin         ks177109
Sam Berish              sb696409
Autumn Springer       as215508
Katie Mefferd            km674009
Sarah Blank              sb295709
Megan Csubak          Mc179905
Shanna DeJoseph      sd314606

Megan Dean             md234006
Ellen Lubbers            el181107
Savannah Bales        sb295208
Jen Atkins                ja270508
Bryana Arancibia      ba240908
Genevieve Blank       gb162209
Tegan Mason            tm152006
Erin Derosa              ed110806
Allison Durke            ad197309

If you are willing to switch, please let me know asap! Also, I think t-shirts may be involved : )

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