[Ouwcrew-l] Adopt a Highway READ CAREFULLY

ed110806 at ohio.edu ed110806 at ohio.edu
Tue May 19 22:58:16 EDT 2009

Yo, yo, yo, Hey everybody
    (that was once my home phone answering machine message)

Here's the DL for adopt a highway: 

You will ALL meet in the small Pedan parking lot at 12 noon (if you are coming
from class get there asap), you will then depart to go to the location on the
highway by the LATEST 12:20 (do the side we did not do last time), then return
to campus for 2 o'clock classes.

I expect you all to pick up trash for one hour (12:40-1:40).

Jill Starkey's will get the stuff at ODOT so she will not get there right at
noon, but she will be there in plenty of time to get you. Shelly will also be a
bit late because she is picking up her car. The rest of you MUST be on time!!! 

Driver's are on top

Jill S

Steph D. 

If there are problems let me know. 

Thanks and goodnight,
Erin D. 

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