[Ouwcrew-l] Practice and things!

Shanna DeJoseph sd314606 at ohio.edu
Tue Apr 28 09:57:04 EDT 2009

Excellent job this morning ladies... even though we had some OBSTRUCTIONS 
on the water, we got a good long workout in and a lot accomplished.

Remember to do your pieces that nick assigned... they are due Friday at 
de-rigging. You may turn them all in at once.

If yall aren't doing your pieces tonight at 7:30, I would LOVE it if you 
came to my concert! It starts at 7:30 and it is in the auditorium on 
college green at the top of Jeff hill. There are two ensembles playing, 
symphonic band and then wind ensemble, the one I play in, after that. We 
are playing some great music and featuring one of our grad students one 
piece which should be ahhhmazing.

So if you want to see me in a lil black dress and hear some good music, 
come on out!

Ok then. Remember, get your money to nick if you rode in his car to WV, 
give you money to Jessi for our awesome cookout, and give money to Jill G 
for fees. Pretty much just throw your money in the air and someone will 
catch it.

Oh I have some messages for you... Nick says to call him if you want 
someone to erg with. Jessi says she loves you, and Alyssa says bring 
flashlights to practice!

Put on your game face girls.. we are getting down to the nitty gritty. The 
home stretch. And according to dictionary.com, accomplishment, achievement, 
adjournment, attainment, bottom line, cease, cessation, close, closing, 
closure, conclusion, consequence, consummation, culmination, curtain, 
denouement, desistance, desuetude, determination, discontinuance, 
execution, expiration, expiry, finale, finis, finish, fulfillment, issue, 
last word, omega, outcome, payoff, perfection, realization, resolution, 
result, retirement, sign-off, target, termination, terminus, upshot, 
windup, wrap-up

this is for you jess

A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 


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