[Ous-lp-rp13] EDAD 6010, Response to Question #3

Bruce, Brandy bj943410 at ohio.edu
Thu Jun 21 21:54:12 EDT 2018


You mentioned your current principal delegates tasks to get tasks accomplished in a timely manner. This is something I will definitely struggle with. I am a control freak, to say the least, and I would much rather do everything myself so that I know it gets done and gets done the right way. As an administrator I will have to make sure that I have staff that I can trust so I can relinquish some of my duties because part of being an effective administrator is knowing when to ask for help. I also agree that change is hard for a lot of people, however sometimes it is necessary. Like you said, I also have a hard time with change at first but it is all about looking at the bigger picture and not just the here and now, "I want it this way." Change isn't always easy, but, for the most part, it is necessary for growth. Being an effective administrator means learning to accept and balance all these barriers.


Angelica's Original Answer to EDAD 6010 Question #3

I think that it is very important to look at the characteristics that make up the behaviors to be a successful administrator. Knowing what characteristics I need to work on to help myself become the administrator that I strive to be.

Task-oriented behaviors- I feel that I need to make sure that I keep my organizational skills on track to complete the given goal. As well as clarifying roles. I know that there are some things that I will need to do that will need the help of others, I know that I need to ask for help from others if I am not able to complete the task in a timely manner. I know with the principal that I have now, he will delegate things to the staff. Such as the Success by Six program that we have during the summer. This program is a funded through the United Way. We have been lucky enough to have this program for the past three summers. This program is for students entering kindergarten, it is a jump start program to get them ready for entering kindergarten. I have taught every year that we have had this program. He has let me handle the aspects of the program but at the same time he monitors the program and makes any changes that is necessary. I know that when I am in his role, I will need to do some of the same things.

Relations-oriented behaviors- I feel this is very important to have in a school district. I feel that every teacher should be involved in their TBT meetings. In our grade level, we as a grade level do the same amount of work when it comes to the tasks that we are given. We work very well together, we each know our strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to the task that one of us is the strongest in, we complete that task with the guidance of our group. I have worked in two different grade levels and this is something that I have always said about our kindergarten group of teachers, we all work very well together. I would love to see this in every grade level. I know that there are some grade levels that is very hard to work together. I would want to try to make that smoother for them. I think in order to be completely successful, you have to work together.

Change-oriented behaviors- I think this is something that I really need to work on and I see it a lot within our district. I am not good with change. I like to know what to expect and it is hard for me to see the bigger picture at times. Change is not always negative but I think that it is hard to see that when you are set in your way of doing things. The past couple of years have been full of changes for our district. We eliminated a computer program, started a new computer program, wrote SLO’s for the first time. Now we are changing principals, starting two more computer programs. It seems overwhelming at times. Even with the first set of changes, the end result ended up being positive. I need to stay positive and know the reason for the changes are for the better.

Brandy Bruce

Graduate Student

Ohio University Southern Campus
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