[Ous-lp-rp13] EDAD 6020, Answer to Queston #1

Amanda Luttrell amanda.luttrell at redstreaks.org
Fri Jun 8 12:50:23 EDT 2018

Rational systems are based on the formality of the organization and the
shared purpose or goals of the participants. The rational system does not
take into account the social interests of the individuals of the
organizations. In my school system you will see rational systems occur
within the bus drivers, kitchen staff, and custodians. They all share a
purpose and goal within their department.

Natural systems in contrast to rational systems, do not share a common
goal.  The natural system view focuses on similarities among social groups.
 For example, the teachers in our school system are separated by
departments. This allows teachers to determine the content and material
they will use to teach the concept.

Open-social systems are a dynamic system with stability and flexibility,
with both tight and loose structural relationships. Classrooms, books,
computers, instructional materials, teachers, and students are all inputs
in the schools open system. According to Hoy and Miskel, ideally students
are transformed by the school system into educated graduates, who then
contribute to society. After looking at the perceptual lenses, I believe
social systems are goal ordinated, structural, and political.

*Amanda Luttrell*
*Zahn's Corner Middle School*
*Sixth Grade Language Arts*
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