[Ouretail] FW: Regent's University London Scholarships

Paulins, Ann paulins at ohio.edu
Thu May 4 08:46:59 EDT 2017

RFPD students — please see attached and below.
The Regent’s University Merchandising program  (in London) is a strong fit for a term-long study abroad that complements the RFPD major.

If you are interested in applying for a a scholarship from ITAA (International Textiles and Apparel Association), please let me know. Drs. Noh, Park-Poaps, and I are all members and can support your application.

Have a great summer!
Dr.  P

V. Ann Paulins, Ph.D.

Senior Associate Dean – Research & Graduate Studies

Professor – Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development

The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education

Ohio University

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Follow me on Twitter @AnnPaulins

Skype: ann.paulins

paulins at ohio.edu<mailto:e-mailname at ohio.edu>




From: "executive_director at itaaonline.org<mailto:executive_director at itaaonline.org>"
Reply-To: "executive_director at itaaonline.org<mailto:executive_director at itaaonline.org>"
Date: Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 8:31 AM
To: Ann Paulins
Subject: Regent's University London Scholarships


Regent’s University London is London’s only independent, not-for-profit university, with a highly cosmopolitan community based in royal Regent’s Park and Marylebone. The campus is located in a vibrant part of central London, home to fashion design houses, artists, advertising companies, and interior design practices, making it an excellent setting to inspire your creative and commercial talents. Regent’s is small and intimate enough to feel like a 'home away from home'. With just under 5,000 students on campus, staff and students get to know each other by name, and students benefit from plenty of one-on-one contact with their instructors. The Regent’s staff are dedicated to ensuring that students enjoy their time at Regent's and reach the ambitious goals that they have set for themselves. Most of the teaching at Regent’s takes place in small groups with high contact hours. Therefore, students build a powerful relationship with their instructors.

Undergraduate Students (enrolled in a [1] Fashion Design or Product Development Program or a [2] Fashion Marketing or Fashion Merchandising Program):Are you interested in studying abroad at Regent's University London for 12-weeks?

Faculty: Do you know of an outstanding student (enrolled in either a [1] Fashion Design or Product Development Program or a [2] Fashion Marketing or Fashion Merchandising Program), who would like to study abroad at Regent's University London for 12-weeks?

If so, Regent's University London has two scholarships available via ITAA:

  1.  Regent's University London - Will Conard Scholarship for Fashion Design ($5,000)
  2.  Regent's University London - Will Conard Scholarship for Fashion Merchandising ($5,000)

Details and submission procedures (for both scholarships) are combined in the attached file, and also are available on the ITAA website. Please note...the submission deadline for both scholarships is July 1. If you have any questions, please contact the chair of the ITAA Student Fellowships & Awards Committee, Annette Burnsed, at kburnsed at mailbox.sc.edu

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