[Ouretail] Summer internship opportunities for Cejon Accessories in NYC

Williams, Lisa willial6 at ohio.edu
Fri Jan 8 11:13:46 EST 2016

Hi Everyone,

Molly Doyle, Regional Sales Manager of Cejon Accessories, has asked us to contact you in regards to hiring two interns in New York City for this summer. This is a paid internship and starts in early May. If you are interested, please contact molly at mollyd at aol.com<mailto:mollyd at aol.com>.


Lisa Williams
Human and Consumer Sciences
Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development
Program Coordinator
Lindley Hall S218
79 South Court Street
Athens, OH  45701 - 2979
Phone: (740) 597-3122
Fax: (740) 593-0155
williaL6 at ohio.edu

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

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