[Ouretail] RFPD 400 in spring 2012

Paulins, Ann paulins at ohio.edu
Tue Feb 21 15:06:37 EST 2012

Greetings RFPD students,

Mnay of you are award, this spring 2012 is the LAST time RFPD 400 will be taught. IN semesters, the curriculum changes.

So, we faculty in RFPD strongly urge all students who have completed or are in RFPD 399 to take 400 this spring.

You can get a pink slip from any of the RFPD faculty if necessary,

Dr. P

V. Ann Paulins, Ph.D.
Professor, Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development
Chairperson, Department of Human and Consumer Sciences
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University
Grover Center E160
Athens, OH  45701

phone: 740.593.2880
fax: 740.593.0284
paulins at ohio.edu<mailto:paulins at ohio.edu>


The best student-centered learning experience in America
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