[Ouretail] FW: February Market Fashion Show/02/03/12

Paulins, Ann paulins at ohio.edu
Wed Nov 30 09:08:33 EST 2011

All -- keep in mind that in addition to traveling to attend the fashion shows, you could inquire about 'working' future shows. Good experience and foot in the door if you are interested in an internship at the Atlanta Apparel Mart.

Dr. P

V. Ann Paulins
Professor, Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development
Chairperson, Department of Human and Consumer Sciences
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
Ohio University
Grover Center E160
Athens, OH  45701

phone: 740.593.2880
fax: 740.593.0284
paulins at ohio.edu<mailto:paulins at ohio.edu>

From: Amy Herriot [aherriot at americasmart.com]
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 1:47 PM
Subject: February Market Fashion Show/02/03/12

*Market Fashion Show Invitation for Students

Amy Herriot
Fashion Director/atlanta apparel
Direct: 404.220.2833
Fax: 678.686.5207

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