[Ouretail] Professional Retail Leaders

Bailey, Courtney cb298907 at ohio.edu
Sun Feb 20 17:59:14 EST 2011

Hello RFPD majors!

I wanted to extend the exciting opportunity to everyone to apply to be in Professional Retail Leaders.  We will be accepting applications from here on out. PRL meets weekly and we pick our own projects we want to work on and welcome the pre-majors into the major.  It is a very fun group.
The qualifications are:
you must be in accepted into the RFPD major OR a junior
Have a suggested GPA of 3.0 but not required

To apply:
Turn in a copy of your DARS
Letter of Intent about why you should be accepted in PRL and how you would contribute

Applications and any questions can be referred to Michelle Price or Courtney Bailey (cb298907 at ohio.edu)

Thank you,

Courtney Bailey
Stand-In President of Professional Retail Leaders
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