[Ouretail] Kudos to the HCRM 299 class!

Ann Paulins paulins at ohio.edu
Tue Mar 16 14:38:54 EDT 2010

I am so proud of the HCRM 299 class, being taught by Ali Howell!  I 
received the following letter from George Wood, Federal Hocking Principal:

I just met with Ali Howell and her students from HCRM 299.  You may know
that they took on collecting math supplies for our students at Federal
Hocking Middle and High School.  They arrived today with four boxes full of
calculators, notebooks, and assorted supplies.  Many of our kids come from
homes of poverty, yet want to do well in school.  When they don't have
the materials they need, my staff and I try to find ways to fill the void.
In this case, a whole lot of kids are going to find that they had friends
watching out for them that they did not even know.

I just wanted you to know about this act of kindness and what a positive
impression it made on our students and staff.  Please make sure Ali knows
how much we appreciated it and know that your students have helped make a
difference here at FHM/HS.

George Wood
Principal, Federal Hocking Middle and High School
Stewart, Ohio


It is so exciting to have our program and students recognized this way, and 
really impressive that our students are seeking to make such a positive 
contribution to Athens county!  Way to go!!!
-Dr. P

V. Ann Paulins
Director and Professor
School of Human and Consumer Sciences
Ohio University
Grover Center W324
Athens, OH  45701

Phone: 740.593.2880
Fax: 740.593.0289
paulins at ohio.edu

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