[Ouretail] Build A Bear Workshop CEO Speaks at First Pathways to Retail Success Webinar (fwd)

Ann Paulins paulins at ohio.edu
Thu Nov 5 07:48:04 EST 2009

Hi RM listserv subscribers...
Note the "webinar" offered FREE - with the Founder and CEO at Build A Bear 

this is a great professional development opportunity.

Dr. P

------------ Forwarded Message ------------
Date: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 12:07 PM -0500
From: Margaret V Jones <margaret.jones at CBA.UFL.EDU>
Subject: Build A Bear Workshop CEO Speaks at First Pathways to Retail 
Success Webinar

On November 19th, Maxine Clark, Founder and Chief Executive Bear at
Build A Bear Workshop will share her knowledge and expertise about the
challenges, opportunities and how to be successful in a retail career
and she will answer questions from participants.   This webinar will be
the first in a monthly series sponsored by the Miller Center for
Retailing Education and Research and the Florida Retail Federation to
give college students an opportunity to interact with and learn from
C-level retail executives.

Have your students register today for this free Webinar at
www.bit.ly/pathways01 <http://www.bit.ly/pathways01> ! For more
information about Ms. Clark and the webinar series go to

Professor Barton Weitz

JCPenney Eminent Scholar Chair

Ex. Director, Miller Center for Retail Education

  and Research (www.cba.ufl/edu/retailcenter)

Warrington College of Business Administration

University of Florida

PO Box117153

Gainesville, FL 32611

phone 352-273-3288

FAX 352-392-4379

email: bart.weitz at cba.ufl.edu

---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

V. Ann Paulins
Director and Professor
School of Human and Consumer Sciences
Ohio University
Grover Center W324
Athens, OH  45701

Phone: 740.593.2880
Fax: 740.593.0289
paulins at ohio.edu

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