Colla, Gina gc209412 at ohio.edu
Tue Sep 1 19:07:39 EDT 2015

OUCTM Members,

Are you ready to tutor? Who would like a tutor a 14 year old in Pre-Algebra?

I would like someone to help her understand math at a deeper level and help her with her current studies.  She does pretty good with her homework, but does not really understand what she is actually doing. If she comes across a problem that is a little different, she does not know what to do.

Ideally, I would like to have someone tutor her until she graduates high school.

Once a week is fine.

I would like at least 1 hour sessions, if possible.

Alden or Baker works for us.

Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from 4:00pm - 5:00pm is best for us, but we can accommodate later times if necessary. There may be times, due to school activities, we may need to schedule around.

Please let Gina Colla know if you are able to tutor and we can set something up.
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