[OUCTM-Listserv] OUCTM- Interesting Talk and Free Pizza! Wednesday, 6:30pm, Morton Hall

Koestler, Courtney koestler at ohio.edu
Mon Oct 26 07:58:35 EDT 2015

The Ohio University Council of Teachers of Mathematics invites to an exciting talk this Wednesday at 6:30pm in Morton Hall (room TBA).
We hope you will join us. We will provide pizza. :)

Dr. Todd Edwards from Miami University will be giving a presentation, titled Cassady's Tasks: Fostering Mathematical Creativity with Student-Generated Problems.

Description of Presentation: Several years ago, I was introduced to Paul Lockhart's A Mathematician's Lament. Taking Lockhart's message to heart, I asked my daughter to construct mathematics tasks that foster creativity. My conversations with Cassady have surprised me and have yielded a number of genuinely interesting mathematics explorations. Both she and Lockhart have encouraged me to reconsider the way that we share math with others.

Objectives of Presentation: Reconsider the purpose and aims of mathematics instruction. Encourage participants to see mathematics as a lively, creative art form - one in which students may actively contribute to the texts and the tasks provided within the classroom. See technology as a tool for promoting creativity in the mathematics classroom at all levels.

Focus on Math: I will share three of Cassady's tasks with session participants. The first task was constructed when Cass was in 4th grade.  It deals primarily with adding two digit integers and patterns related to that.  The second task was generated when Cass was in 8th grade.  It involves the construction of a 10-sided polygon with specific side lengths and has connections to the triangle inequality, generalized triangle inequality, and circle constructions.  The last task, invented this Fall while Cass was enrolled in 10th grade, involves number sequences and unexpected patterns.

Michael Todd Edwards
Professor, Mathematics Education
404E McGuffey Hall
Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
cell / office: 513-529-6320

"To believe a thing impossible is to make it so." - French Proverb

Courtney Koestler, Ph.D.
Director of SEOCEMS (SouthEast Ohio Center for Equity in Mathematics and Science)
Faculty Member of the Department of Teacher Education
The Patton College of Education
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701

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