[OUCTM-Listserv] Fwd: OCTM Fall Newsletter (Correction)

Klein, Bob kleinr at ohio.edu
Sun Sep 21 20:10:43 EDT 2014

The attached newsletter has lots of good info in it. Please glance through it. OUCTM execs should seriously consider going to the emerging leadership conference (or others!) to learn about “surviving the first year”

Begin forwarded message:

From: Katie Hendrickson <katieahendrickson at gmail.com<mailto:katieahendrickson at gmail.com>>
Subject: OCTM Fall Newsletter (Correction)
Date: September 21, 2014 at 3:06:46 PM EDT

One correction: the next Math Teachers' Circle will be November 15.

On Sep 21, 2014, at 2:37 PM, Katie Hendrickson <katieahendrickson at gmail.com<mailto:katieahendrickson at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hello all,

I hope your school year is off to a great start. Please see attached for the latest newsletter from the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics!

A few highlights:

-The next Southeast Ohio Math Teachers' Circle will be held on November 15 from 9-noon. More information and registration will be posted in November at www.seomtc.weebly.com<http://www.seomtc.weebly.com/>

-The 2014 OCTM Annual Conference is coming up in Cleveland, November 5-7. Registration is open now at www.ohioctm.org<http://www.ohioctm.org/>. Be sure to check it out!

If you have any questions about what OCTM is doing, or if you would like me to share any great math-related events in our region, please let me know.


Katie Hendrickson
Southeast District Director, Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics

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