[Ouctm-l] OUCTM Meeting Tuesday, April 17th, 7:10pm McCracken 234

Brust, Patrick pb125807 at ohio.edu
Thu Apr 12 14:02:56 EDT 2012

Hello all.

Our next OUCTM meeting will be on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:10pm in McCracken 234. Tony Huffman, superintendent of Warren Local Schools (a neighboring district to the east in Washington County in case you were unaware), will be joining us to conduct mock interviews. He will also be giving us some tips on how to write our resumes, etc, etc.

If you would like to volunteer to be "interviewed," or would like to have your resume looked at, please e-mail me at pb125807 at ohio.edu ASAP. I would like to have an estimate of how many people are interested, so Mr. Huffman has a better idea of who all he will be "interviewing."

For those of you who are graduating soon, or are going to be going to the Teacher Recruitment Consortium on Friday, April 20th, this would be an excellent practice for you. For those of you who are not graduating yet, this is still a great way to learn how to get your resume started, as well as prepare you for what an interview would be like. Either way, the experience would be rewarding for everybody.

Mr. Huffman has graciously agreed to make the trip to Athens, so I hope to see as many of you there as can make it. It promises to be a very informative meeting. Again, if you would like to volunteer to be "interviewed" or have your resume examined, please let me know!

Thanks everybody!

Patrick Brust
OUCTM President
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