[Ouctm-l] First meeting!

Brust, Patrick pb125807 at ohio.edu
Tue Sep 6 22:00:30 EDT 2011

Hello everybody.

I would like to announce our first OUCTM meeting will be on Tuesday, Sept. 13th at 7pm in McCracken TBA. Please check your e-mails/Facebook/friends for the room number closer to the meeting date.

We will be getting to know each other, talking about what OUCTM is, what we do, as well as talking about what we want to do this year. Pizza and drinks will be provided!

On another note, if you would be interested in attending the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM) Conference in Toledo this year, held on October 13th-14th, please e-mail me or let me know at our meeting that you are interested. We are currently trying to make carpooling and/or hotel arrangements, so we need to know how many there are who want to go.

Hope to see you at the first meeting!

Patrick Brust
OUCTM President
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