[Ouctm-l] OCTM Emerging Leaders Conference

Sustar, Eric es860306 at ohio.edu
Mon Mar 15 18:31:27 EDT 2010

Hello everyone.

Here's the OCTM Emerging Leaders Conference registration form.  It's a great opportunity to meet other pre-service and novice teachers and network with the OCTM board.  The conference is Sat, Apr 17, from 9:30am-3pm in Columbus.  Five OUCTM members went last year and I hope at least that many can attend this year.  Emily and I will be presenting about OUCTM and we'd love your support.  The registration is due by Mar 31 and costs $10.  Let me know if you decide to register!  And let me know if you have questions.

Eric Sustar
OUCTM President
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