[Ouctm-l] Fundraising! WE NEED YOU!!

Ehlen, Sarah se126506 at ohio.edu
Mon Apr 12 16:32:46 EDT 2010

 Hey OUCTMers!

Friday April 16th OUCTM will be selling hot dogs uptown by the court house. The fundraiser will take place from 10 pm to 2 am. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!!! The money we will raise will help us attend the NCTM conference later this month. The future of OUCTM is also dependent on the money we raise this quarter because it will be our funds for next year. Please give an hour of your Friday to help out OUCTM!!!

We need volunteers to sell hot dogs on Friday
 When: 10 pm - 2 am
Email se126506 at ohio.edu if you are interested.

Have a great week 3 and encourage your friends to stop by on Friday!! Thanks!!

~Sarah Ehlen
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