Sustar, Eric es860306 at ohio.edu
Thu Oct 29 15:39:55 EDT 2009

Hello OUCTM members!

Due to illnesses, exams, other obligations, and the general craziness of Halloween weekend, I feel that there will be very few members in attendance at tonight's meeting.  Therefore, I am CANCELING TONIGHT'S MEETING.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this last-minute cancellation may cause any of you.  I hope you receive this email before heading to the meeting.

A few people have expressed a desire to reschedule the meeting.  If you are one of those people, PLEASE EMAIL ME (es860306 at ohio.edu) by Sunday, 11.1.09 and I'll see if it's possible.

Thank you for your understanding.  Share the food/drink you bought for the meeting with your roommates.  :)

Also, thanks to those people who helped with the bake sale today.  There's still time to support us!  We'll be in the Morton lobby until 5pm.

Eric Sustar
OUCTM President
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