[Ouctm-l] OUCTM Bakesale AND Meeting TOMORROW!!

Mrosko, Jamie jm398006 at ohio.edu
Wed Oct 28 10:36:47 EDT 2009

 Hello again everyone and happy Wednesday!

Tomorrow the 29th is a big, fun filled day for OUCTM.

We will be having a bake sale in the lobby of Morton from 10am-5pm AND a meeting later that night at 7:30pm in BENTLEY 227, which will be more of a social meeting!

Notice, this is not the same room we are usually in, but we thought it would be more comfortable to watch a movie! Also, if you have not paid your membership fee yet, please do so at the next meeting since we will be putting in our t-shirt order very soon!

This is the up to date list I have for people working the bake sale table.....

Sarah Ehlen
Kate McDougle

Emily Price
Kari Resler

Sarah Ehlen
Emily Price

Ben Burwinkel
Eric Sustar

Lauren Sauer

Ashley Greathouse

Ashley Greathouse (if no one else can make it)

Please drop off your baked [or store bought : ) ] goods at the table in Morton as early as possible! Also, if you are able to work the table and you are not signed up on the list above, feel free to stop by and help out!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me or anyone else on the executive board!

Jamie Mrosko
OUCTM Public Relations

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