[Ouctm-l] OUCTM Meeting this Wednesday!

Mrosko, Jamie jm398006 at ohio.edu
Mon Oct 12 17:47:14 EDT 2009

Ohio University Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OUCTM) is a sixth-year organization in the College of Education created for anyone interested in the field of Mathematics Education. "The purpose of OUCTM is to enlighten the community on the exciting world of mathematics through engaging in activities that promote and enhance knowledge and interest in mathematics.''

Hello everyone!
I hope you all are enjoying what is left of midterms! : )

Just wanted to remind everyone that there will be on OUCTM meeting Wednesday, the 14th in MCCR room 311 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Ariel Boehr will be speaking about her experiences teaching 7th and 8th grades mathematics, along her experiences in graduate school here at Ohio University. She will be speaking for about 25 minutes, so after will will be discussing the trip to the OCTM conference, the possibility of another bakesale, scheduling classes for Winter quarter, and movie choices for the upcoming meeting. As you can see, there is a lot (of rather random) ground to cover, so please be in attendance! We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!!

RECAP: Meeting Wednesday, October 14th in MMCR 311 at 7:30pm!

Any questions? Feel free to email me or anyone else on the Executive board!

Jamie Mrosko
Public Relations, OUCTM
jm398006 at ohio.edu
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