joe burton jb971005 at ohio.edu
Tue Feb 24 23:17:41 EST 2009

Hello once again members,

I am just informing you of the change in the format for the meeting on Feb. 
25. Because we have a large number of people attending the TRC registration 
from 6-7, we did not have enough people here early for Mr. Wittman to show 
up at 6. What will be happening instead is that Mr. Wittman has agreed to 
show up at 7 PM and will stay after our meeting (ending at 8:30) for people 
to ask specific questions about their resumes. During our meeting he will 
be speaking to us about cover letters, format of your resume, and general 
content that he looks for. If your questions are more suited to be asked 
during the meeting please ask then. The meeting itself will be basically a 
Q&A where Mr. Wittman will go over the things he needs to go over, then 
will open up the floor to questions. PLEASE COME WITH QUESTIONS. Also, 
remember to dress at least as if you were planning to teach that day 
(professional dress) If your resume is ready to review bring it with you as 
you will be able to find time to either meet with Mr. Wittman, or exchange 
information so that you can email him your resume.


Joe Burton
OUCTM OCTM/NCTM/Tutoring Representative

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