[Ocees] FW: Food for Thought || Feb. 22nd, 7 pm "Harvest the Past, Feed the Future"

Popescu, Viorel popescu at ohio.edu
Tue Feb 14 14:23:47 EST 2017

I lied, one more email today! Here is another interesting event hosted by the Food Studies Theme, courtesy of Paul Patton. Thanks Paul!


Viorel D. Popescu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Conservation Biology
Ohio University, Biological Sciences
423 Irvine Hall
Athens, OH 45710


From: Patton, Paul
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 2:22 PM
To: Popescu, Viorel <popescu at ohio.edu>
Subject: Fw: Food for Thought || Feb. 22nd, 7 pm "Harvest the Past, Feed the Future"

Hi Viorel,

Would you mind sending this out through the OCEES list-serv?

Thank you,


Paul E. Patton, PhD
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Food Studies
Director of OHIO Archaeological Field School
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Ohio University

From: Ohio University Food Studies <foodstudies at ohio.edu<mailto:foodstudies at ohio.edu>>
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 9:17 AM
To: Patton, Paul
Subject: Food for Thought || Feb. 22nd, 7 pm "Harvest the Past, Feed the Future"


Food Studies presents
February 22nd, at 7 p.m.

"Harvest the Past, Feed the Future:
Cultivating the Forgotten Indigenous Crops of Eastern North America"

Chenopods | Marshelder | Maygrass | Erect Knotweed

- in Baker Center Ballroom -

- Event is free and open to the public-

About 4000 years ago, farmers throughout the Ohio Valley region grew a suite of native crops that sustained their growing populations. Many of these crops today are only known via archaeology. "Harvest the Past, Feed the Future" brings scholars together from all over Eastern North America whose work is committed to exploring the potential of these lost crops as modern-day food resources. This symposium will provide farmers and community members opportunities to discuss the potential of these crops for agricultural entrepreneurship and economic development.

Dr. Paul Patton of Ohio U., Department of Anthropology/Sociology and Food Studies
Dr. Natalie Mueller of Washington U. of St. Louis, Department of Anthropology
Dr. Elizabeth Horton of the University of Arkansas, Department of Anthropology
Andrew Weiland of the Ohio State University, Department of Anthropology





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