[Oafcs] Family and Consumer Science Extension Position

Paulins, Ann paulins at ohio.edu
Tue Jun 16 07:43:12 EDT 2015

>From Kathy Oliver:

Begin forwarded message:

The search for the Extension FCS position I have been in was a failed search (the three who had applied and were to be interviewed took other jobs before the interviews happened at OSU) so it will be posted again on jobs at osu.edu<mailto:jobs at osu.edu> again by the end of the month.

It is a demanding career but so very rewarding too. Please help to get the word out to FCS professionals.


V. Ann Paulins, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean - Research & Graduate Studies
Professor, Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University
79 South Court Street<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
Lindley Hall<x-apple-data-detectors://0>, Room N190
Athens, OH  45701<x-apple-data-detectors://2/1>
ph: 740.593.0253<tel:740.593.0253>
fax: 740.593.0569<tel:740.593.0569>

Skype: ann.paulins
Follow me on Twitter @AnnPaulins

Sent from my iPad - please excuse the potential and perhaps creative typos
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