[Newman-l] Week 4!

Lanning, Paige pl698611 at ohio.edu
Mon Feb 1 14:39:59 EST 2016

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope everyone's semester is going swimmingly and that everyone enjoyed the great weather we had this weekend!

Here are the announcements for the week:

Tonight: Women's bible study from 8-9 in the HOF library

Tuesday: The holy rosary will be prayed at 8:30 at Christ the King

Wednesday: Newman Night! Mass at 5:30, dinner at 6:00 and our meeting at 7:15. As always, praise and worship will be offered roughly 10-15 minutes before the meeting

Thursday: Theology Thursday is at 8:00pm in the Knights of Columbus room

Friday: The divine mercy chaplet will be prayed at 3pm at St. Paul

Saturday: Euchre tournament! If you haven't signed up there is still time! The tournament will start at 6pm at the Holy Family Center. Bring a friend or your Sib! And don't forget, if you shared our post about the tournament on the OU Catholics page, you will receive a free entry for our 50/50 raffle!

That's it for this week's announcements, have a great week!

Paige Lanning
OU Catholics PR Chair

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